 Fig. 2: The "sweet spot" for
near-field monitors.
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Traditional studios have large monitors mounted at a considerable
distance (6 to 10 ft. or so) from the mixer, with the front flush to
the wall, and an acoustically-treated control room to minimize
response variations. The "sweet spot" - the place where room
acoustics are most favorable - is designed to be where the mixing
engineer sits at the console.
In smaller studios, near-field monitors have become the standard
way to monitor. With this technique, small speakers sit
around 3 to 6 feet from the mixer's ears, with the head and speakers
forming a triangle (Fig. 2). The speakers should point toward the ears and be at
ear level; if slightly above ear level, they should point downward
toward the ears.
Near-field monitors minimize the impact of room acoustics on the
overall sound, as the speakers' direct sound is far louder than the
reflections coming off the room surfaces. They also do not
have to produce a lot of power because of their proximity to your
ears, which also relaxes the requirements for the amps feeding
However, placement in the room is still an issue. If placed too
close to the walls, there will be a bass build-up. Although you can
compensate with EQ (or possibly controls on the speakers
themselves), the build-up will be different at different
frequencies. High frequencies are not as affected because they are
more directional.
If the speakers are free-standing and placed away from the wall,
back reflections from the speakers bouncing off the wall could
affect the sound. You're pretty safe if the speakers are more
than 6 ft. away from the wall in a fairly large listening space
(this places the first frequency null point below the normally
audible range), but not everyone has that much room. My crude
solution is to mount the speakers a bit away from the wall on the
same table holding the mixer, and pad the walls behind the speakers
with as much sound-deadening material as possible.
Nor are room reflections the only problem; with speakers placed on top of a console, reflections
from the console itself can cause inaccuracies. To get around
this problem, I use a relatively small main mixer, so the
near-fields fit to the side of the mixer, and are slightly elevated.
This makes as direct a path as possible from speaker to
Near-field monitors are available in a variety of sizes and at
numerous price points. Most are two-way
designs, with (typically) a 6" or 8" woofer and smaller
tweeter. While a 3-way design that adds a separate midrange driver
might seem like a good idea, adding another
crossover and speaker can complicate matters. A well-designed
two-way system is better than a so-so 3-way system.
There are two main monitor types, active and
passive. Passive monitors consist of only the speakers and
crossovers, and require outboard amplifiers. Active monitors
incorporate any amps needed to drive the speakers from a line level
With powered monitors, the power amp and speaker have hopefully
been tweaked into a smooth, efficient team. Issues such as speaker
cable resistance become moot, and protection can be built into the
amp to prevent blowouts. Powered monitors are often bi-amped (e.g.,
a separate amp for the woofer and tweeter), which minimizes
intermodulation distortion and allows for tailoring the crossover
points and frequency response for the speakers being used.
If you hook up passive monitors to your own amps, make sure they
have adequate headroom. Any clipping generates gobs of
high-frequency harmonics, and sustained clipping can burn out
You'll see endless discussions on the net as to which near-fields
are best. In truth, the answer may rest more on which near-field
works best with your listening space and imperfect hearing response.
How many times have you seen a review of a speaker where the person
notes with amazement that some new speaker "revealed sounds not
heard before with other speakers"? This is to be expected. The
frequency response of even the best speakers is sufficiently uneven
that some speakers will indeed emphasize different frequencies
compared to other speakers, essentially creating a different
Although it's a cliche that you should audition several speakers
and choose the model you like best, you can't choose the perfect
speaker, because such an animal doesn't exist. Instead, you choose
the one that colors the sound in the way you prefer.
Choosing a speaker is an art. I've been fortunate enough to hear
my music over some hugely expensive systems in mastering labs and
high-end studios, so my criterion for choosing a speaker is simple:
whatever makes my "test" CD sound the most like it did over the
big-bucks speakers wins.
If you haven't had the same kind of listening experiences, book
30 minutes or so at some really good studio (you can probably get a
price break since you're not asking to use a lot of the facilities)
and bring along one of your favorite CDs. Listen to the CD and get
to know what it should sound like, then compare any speakers you
audition to that standard.
One caution: if you're comparing two sets of
speakers and one set is even slightly louder than the other, you'll
likely choose the louder one as sounding better. To make a
valid comparison, match the speaker levels as closely as
A final point worth mentioning is that speakers have magnets
which, if placed close to monitors, can distort the monitor's
display. Magnetically-shielded speakers solve this
Ultimately, because your own listening situation is
imperfect, you need to "learn" your system's
response. For example, suppose you mix something in your
studio that sounds fine, but sounds bass-heavy in a high-end studio
with accurate monitoring. That means your monitoring environment is
shy on the bass, so you boosted the bass to compensate (this is a
common problem in project studios with small rooms). With future
mixes, you'll know to mix the bass lighter than normal.
Compare midrange and treble as well. If vocals jump out of your
system but lay back in others, then your speakers might be
"midrangey." Again, compensate by mixing midrange-heavy parts back a
little bit.
You also have to decide on a standardized listening level. Most pros monitor at low levels when mixing, not just
to save one's ears, but also because if something sounds good at low
volume, it will sound great when you really crank it up.
However, this also means that the bass and treble might be
mixed up a bit more than they should be to compensate for the
Fletcher-Munson curve. So, before signing off on a mix, check the
sound at a variety of levels. If at loud levels it sounds just a
hair too bright and boomy, and if at low levels it sounds just a bit
bass- and treble-light, that's about right.
Musicians on a budget often wonder about mixing over headphones,
as $100 will buy a great set of headphones, but not much in the way
of speakers. Although mixing exclusively on headphones isn't
recommended, keep a good set of headphones around as a reality check
(not the open-air type that sits on your ear, but the kind that
totally surrounds your ear). Sometimes you can
get a more accurate bass reading using headphones than you can with
near-fields, and when "proofing" your tracks, phones will show up
imperfections you might miss with speakers. Careful, though:
it's easy to blast your ears with headphones and not know
"Satellite" systems use tiny monitors that can't really produce
adequate bass in conjunction with a subwoofer, a fairly large
speaker that is crossed over at a very low frequency so that it
reproduces only the bass region. This speaker usually mounts on the
floor, against a wall; placement isn't overly critical because bass
frequencies are relatively non-directional.
Although satellite-based systems can make your computer audio
sound great or allow a less intrusive hi-fi setup with tight living
space, I wouldn't mix a major label project over
them. Perhaps you could learn these systems over time as
well, but I personally have difficulty with the disembodied bass for
critical mixes.
However, using subwoofers with monitors that
have decent bass response is another matter. The response of
near-field monitors often starts to roll off around 50-100 Hz, which
diminishes the strength of sub-bass sounds. Sounds in this region
are a big part of a lot of dance music, and it's important to know
what's going on down there. In this case, the subwoofer simply gives
a more accurate indication of the bass region sound,
Before signing off on a mix, listen through a variety of
systems - car stereo speakers, hi-fi bookshelf speakers,
big-bucks studio speakers, boom boxes, headphones, etc. This gives
an idea of how well the mix will translate over a variety of
systems. If the mix works, great - mission accomplished. But if it
sounds overly bright on 5 out of 8 systems, pull back the brightness
just a bit. The mastering process can compensate for some of this,
but mastering works best with mixes that are already good.
Many "pro" studios will have big, expensive speakers, a pair of
near-fields for reality testing, and some "junk" speakers sitting
around to check what something will sound like over something like a
cheap TV. Switching back and forth among the various systems can
help "zero in" on the ultimate mix that translates well over any
The more you monitor, the more educated your ears will
become. Also, the more dependent they will become on the
speakers you use (some producers carry their favorite monitor
speakers to sessions so they can compare the studio's speakers to
speakers they already know well). But even if
you can't afford the ultimate monitoring setup, with a bit of
practice you can learn your system well enough to produce a
good-sounding mix that translates well over a variety of systems
- which is what the process is all about.